Welcome to our awesome Grade 4 Blog. This is where you find out what we are doing in Grade 4. We will post success criteria and pictures of us learning. We will also showcase some of our work here. Links to other pages will be found along the sidebar and different pages will be located along the top as we develop them.
We are off to an exciting start to Grade 4! During the first week of school we engaged in a lot of fun team building activities. Ask your child about helping Harry and Saving Fred. We have been reviewing Place Value and extending our knowledge to the 10,000's. We have also started reading a book called Wonder about a boy named August. We have been responding to this novel using RAPP and COPS and our personal dictionaries. In Social Studies we have been learning about Canada. Ask your child to sing you the Canada song 😃
Please stay tuned for photos of our first week and remember to return those blue permission forms so that photos of all our students can be included.
We look forward to an awesome year!
Mrs. Motta and Mrs. Inch